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How to Effectively Communicate and Have a Good Relationship With your Tenants

How to Effectively Communicate and Have a Good Relationship With your Tenants

Do you know how to effectively communicate and have a good relationship with your tenants?

If you own commercial or residential real estate rental property in Auburn California (or surrounding areas) you likely know how communication can affect the relationship you have with your tenants.  Perhaps you didn’t respond to a request they had in a prompt manner and now they are unhappy with you.  Or, maybe you didn’t respond at all and now they are withholding rents.  If any of this sounds familiar you might benefit from some key tips to effective communication with your tenants to better the relationship.

With over a decade of experience, we understand the techniques needed to effectively communicate with your tenant in order for your relationship to flourish.  

Landlords and tenants are human, after all.  We have emotions, feelings, thoughts and desires.  When we are not heard, understood, or even worse, treated poorly, our willingness to be a coparticipant diminishes and thus degrades the relationship with that person.  Rental property management in Auburn, CA is about filling a need.  That need starts with matching a tenant with a home or commercial space, but then quickly translates to a relationship need.

"Rental property management in Auburn, CA is about filling a need."

All relationships have needs.  Successful property management relationships have trust, effective communication, compromises, and respect!

We often pick up the phone to hear a panicked property owner on the other line telling us how frustrated they are with their tenants.  “They got a roommate without my knowledge.” Or, “They were so nice at first and now they keep asking me to fix all these little things.” Self managing a property can be daunting when you are not properly prepared to act as a therapist as well as property manager! LOL.  All jokes aside, take the following tips to heart when communicating with your tenants.  You will quickly see how the relationship will transform into a positive experience.

  1. Trust: The tenant needs to feel that they can trust you, and you need to feel that you can trust them.  This starts with open lines of communication AND receiving and processing information and requests within a prompt timeframe and with respect.  If you start the relationship off this way, they will follow your lead
  2. Responsiveness is Key! When a tenant texts, calls, or emails with a question, request, or issue, RESPOND!  It takes 10 seconds to immediately respond and let them know you received their text (or email or phone call) and that you are working on a solution.  If you cannot address the issue right then, have an effective system for tracking your “to-dos” like a phone app.  This ensures follow up and that the work is completed.  
  3. Treat them like the humans that are! We are all busy.  But we are all also HUMANS who like to be treated kindly.  Often times we are so busy that we inadvertently are short which in turn causes the person we are interacting with to feel that we are angry with them.  Starting a text or email off with: “I hope your day has been great so far…” goes a long way! 
  4. Do not ever assume anything! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a property owner call to tell me something they’re assuming about the tenant and how they think that because of their assumption, the tenant is or isn’t doing xyz now.  If you feel something is off, just be honest and ask!  99% of the time your assumption is probably wrong and the tenant was just having a bad day.   

Quality communication can be the difference between failure and success for your Auburn CA real estate rental property. It takes patients, practice, and most of all, AWARENESS of yourself.  If you don’t have the time or energy to handle your rental property call us! We provide superior property management services in the Auburn CA and surrounding areas.

Successful property management relationships have trust, effective communication, compromises, and respect!

