Sorry for the delay in last weeks Question & Answer post. Barrett Property Management was busy moving into their new office suite at 101 Providence Mine Road, Suite 103F, in Nevada City, CA. We encourage all of you to come visit us at our new Nevada City location. Please call before to ensure we’re there, as we’re often out at showings or other appointments. Check out the photos below of our new place!
Now, onto our weekly Frequently Q&A blog post #5…
Q & A’s for Grass Valley, Nevada City, Auburn, and Colfax tenants, renters, lessees, landlords, property managers, investment property owners, and everyone in-between!
Q7: In California, how long does a tenant have to wait before their security deposit will be returned after moving out?
A7: That depends on whether the property is residential or commercial. For residential units, the landlord must return the tenant’s security deposit within 21 days. If the landlord keeps any portion of the deposit, they must also include a statement detailing the deductions. Receipts and/or invoices are also required of the landlord for any services or goods that were purchased.
For commercial units, the deposit should generally be returned within 30 days. The law regarding this goes into more detail about certain situations in which the deposit would be due in 2 weeks. According to the California Association of Realtors, “If the landlord only claims deductions from the deposit based on defaults in the payment of rent, and if the deposit exceeds one month plus the last month’s rent, then any amount exceeding one month’s rent must be returned within two weeks.”
Q8: What is a move out inspection and what is the purpose of such inspection?
A8: A landlord is required to give a California tenant the option of a move out inspection before they vacate the premises. This is scheduled no earlier than 2 weeks prior to move out. The purpose of a move-out inspection is to give the tenant an opportunity to fix any deficiencies in the condition of the property and thus minimize the deductions from their security deposit. During the inspection appointment, the landlord will note the necessary repairs or cleanliness issues. The tenant can then choose to fix these noted issues.
On the other hand, a tenant can also waive their right to a move-out inspection.

If you ever have any questions regarding your Grass Valley, Nevada City, Colfax, or Auburn rental, we’d be happy to help. Barrett Property Management is open to answering questions from tenants, lessees, and landlords.