I’ve been a Nevada County resident for over 21 years now. After growing up in this community, and now raising two boys of my own with my wonderful husband, I have realized what an amazing community this is!
I recently asked myself, what makes Nevada County so amazing? And, after a moment of thinking, I realized it was the support, giving, volunteering, and sharing that the people in the community are willing to contribute. Then I realized it was time for me to give back. Volunteering in Nevada County is now on my list of daily to-dos!
Volunteering in Nevada County:
Soroptimist International of Grass Valley
I have recently become a member of the Soroptimist International of Grass Valley, who work to improve the lives of women and girls.
Interfaith Food Ministry
Today, I had the honor to accept the volunteer position as Maintenance Director of the Interfaith Food Ministry building. With my background in property management, I thought my skills, experience, and knowledge would be a perfect fit for maintaining the building that houses Interfaith. While touring the building today, I came across this wonderful poster:

“If you want to be happy for an hour, GO WATCH T.V.
If you want to be happy for a day, GO TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK.
If you want to be happy for a lifetime, GO OUT AN HELP OTHERS.”