Q & A’s for Grass Valley, Nevada City, Auburn, and Colfax tenants, renters, lessees, landlords, property managers, investment property owners, and everyone in-between!
Q #4: How are modifications to a Grass Valley, Nevada City, Colfax, or Auburn rental handled between a tenant and property manager/landlord if a disabled tenant requires such modifications?
A#4: By law, the landlord is required to allow tenant to make modifications to the rental, which are reasonable and necessary for his/her condition. The Americans with Disabilities Act and California Fair Employment and Housing Act govern these requirements.
Q#5: Who is responsible to pay for the reasonable and necessary modifications? What happens to the modifications after termination of tenancy?
A#5: It is the tenant’s responsibility to pay for such modifications. The property manager/landlord can require that these modifications be completed according to the Nevada County and Placer County building code and standards. Upon termination of tenancy, it is the tenant’s responsibility to make the unit the same as it was upon move in. That being said, if the modifications do not interfere with the future use of the unit (i.e. widening hallways), then the tenant is not required to make the unit the same as move in condition.